学生们和修士们在饭前为圣山祈福. Irenaeus, a Franciscan mountain community near campus.

St. Bonaventure University

University Ministries

大学事工欢迎所有宗教信仰的学生参加各种灵性成长的机会, service learning, social action and community building.

方济各会的麦克金利-卡尼中心大楼As the nation's first Franciscan university, St. 博纳旺蒂尔肯定了每个人独特的尊严,并邀请每个人进入一个接受和理解的社区. All are welcome here.

大学事工是建立这些爱的纽带的焦点, 并将这种社区意识扩展到校园之外. We strive to share God's unconditional love, 特别是对边缘化人群——贫困人口, ignored and excluded.

我们位于麦克金利-卡尼中心为方济各会事工(如图), located in the center of campus. Opened in 2017, the center houses offices, an interdenominational prayer tower, a great room for student gatherings, and kitchen facilities.

我们致力于在课堂内外改变学生的生活, 激励他们终身致力于服务和公民责任.

Our liturgical life, centered around Sunday Eucharist, 邀请Bonaventure社区的所有成员参加各种礼仪事工和许多祈祷机会.

Franciscan Center for Social Concern

Your hub for service-learning, whether it's feeding the hungry, befriending a child, or visiting with a senior citizen. Be a leader in service to others.


Mt. Irenaeus

校园附近这个方济会社区的常驻修士欢迎所有人来放松, hike, garden, sit and talk, or share a home-cooked meal. A special ministry, a special place.

Mt. Irenaeus

Faith formation, worship & ministry

We invite all into the life of the Catholic Church, with liturgical programs, sacraments, 敬拜的经历和属灵成长的机会.

Faith, worship & ministry

Mass Card Requests


建议为每一个要求的弥撒意向向方济会修士捐款15美元. We can accept up to two intentions for each Mass.


在学年期间,方济会修士每天下午12:30举行弥撒.m. 周一到周五,在麦克金利-卡尼中心的大厅,为方济各会的事工. 星期日上午11点在大学礼拜堂举行弥撒.m. and 7 p.m.

您可以从精选卡片中选择,并在网上捐款. (Card #1 is the Mass card for deceased; Cards # 2 and 3 are Mass cards for the living). 我们将寄给你一个确认日期,弥撒将提供, and, if you desire, we will inform people in the university community.

We welcome your Mass requests.

For questions or more information, please email Yvonne Peace or call her at (716) 375-2662.

Order Mass cards online

St. Peter's Square in Rome, Italy
Photo by Kristin Marsicovetere, '10, '13

Franciscan Leadership Pilgrimage

Each December, 学生可以参加方济会领导朝圣罗马和亚西西通过 Franciscan Pilgrimage Program. 所有信仰传统的学生都可以参加.

朝圣之旅汇集了来自美国各地方济各会学院和大学的各种信仰传统的领袖.S. 反思和学习圣方济各和亚西西的克莱尔的愿景和价值观. It includes time for reflection, study, conversation, leisure, 放松和参观圣方济会在阿西西和罗马的地点.
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